
Free day and a half

Wow, so we've had the second half of the day yesterday and all of today free from formal class time.  I have been writing and reading a lot the past couple of days.  The weather has been gorgeous here the past couple of days, probably mid to high 70's, but it may rain tomorrow.  I have this gnarly bruise on the top of my bead that has made me look slightly hunch-back like, but I am hoping it will clear up so I can go back to looking not like a Notre Dame statue.  We have an assignment for photography that consists of making an accordion book out of paper bought in Florence.  Each piece of the book has a pocket that we will put a photo and an artifact or object that represents the theme and photo in some manner.  I picked out some Da Vinci handwriting paper and decorated the covers with Godfather postcards of the Corleone family.  My theme is going to deal with stereotypes that Americans have for Italians.  I am really loving all the photos and projects I am coming up with in this class because I am really able to explore my creativity within a fixed medium.  I think I am going to Rome this weekend to see my friend Alessio from LA, who is a native Roman.  I hope every one is well.  A presto. 

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